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Announcing Trevanian's latest novel
The Crazyladies of Pearl Street
will be available from June 2005

Crown publishers is also re-issuing the first five of Trevanian's earlier novels in their
Summer of Trevanian

Trevanian's Desk/On film - 2

Trevanian's 100 best pre-1970 Films for the English Speaking audience (cont...)

NIGHT OF THE HUNTER, THE 1955 (Charles Laughton) NIGHTMARE ALLEY 1947 (Edmund Goulding) * NOTORIOUS 1946 (Alfred Hitchcock) ODD MAN OUT 1946 (Carol Reed) OF MICE AND MEN 1939 (Lewis Milestone) ON THE WATERFRONT 1954 (Elia Kazan) OX-BOW INCIDENT, THE 1942 (William Wellman) PATHS OF GLORY 1957 (Stanley Kubrick) PICNIC 1965 (Joshua Logan) PRIME OF MISS JEAN BRODIE, THE 1969 (Ronald Neame) QUAI DES BRUMES 1938 (Marcel Carné) REQUIEM FOR A HEAVYWEIGHT 1962 (Ralph Nelson) RONDE, LA 1950 (Max Ophuls) ROOM AT THE TOP 1958 (Jack Clayton) SET UP, THE 1949 (Robert Wise) * SEVEN DAYS IN MAY 1964 (John Frankenheimer) SEVEN SAMURAI 1954 (Akira Kurosawa) SINGIN' IN THE RAIN 1952 (Gene Kelly/Stanley Donen) SPIRAL STAIRCASE, THE 1946 (Robert Siodmak) STRADA, LA 1954 (Federico Fellini) STRANGE ONE, THE 1957 (Jack Garfein) * STRANGERS ON A TRAIN 1951 (Alfred Hitchcock) STRIKE 1924 (Sergei Eisenstein) SUNSET BOULEVARD 1950 (Billy Wilder) THEY SHOOT HORSES, DON'T THEY? 1969 (Sydney Pollack) THIRD MAN, THE 1949 (Carol Reed) TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD 1963 (Robert Mulligan) TOUCH OF EVIL 1958 (Orson Welles) TREASURE OF SIERRA MADRE, THE 1948 (John Huston) TUNES OF GLORY 1960 (Ronald Neame) TWELVE ANGRY MEN 1957 (Sidney Lumet) WAGES OF FEAR, THE 1951 (Henri-Georges Clouzot) WHITE HEAT 1949 (Raoul Walsh) WILD ONE, THE 1954 (Laslo Benedek) WINTERSET 1936 (Alfred Santell) YOJIMBO 1961 (Akira Kurosawa) ZORBA THE GREEK 1964 (Michael Cacoyannis)


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